2 min readMar 25, 2021


Ironhack Challenge 2 Wireframe

Joelline_ Innocence-Paris

Here we go, my challenge 2 is finished đŸ’Ș It is now time to debrief about it ! Telling you I was worried when I discovered Figma for the first time a few days ago is an euphemism
.It reminded me 20 years ago how Mr Lamirel, my computer teacher, was desperate trying to make me understand how the digital world was working
It is a bit late but thanks for your patience dear Teacher !

Here I have no choice, can’t look outside the window, waiting for the bell to ring
. I need to adapt to dominate the battle !

Target of this challenge : wireframe an existing app of my choice. A sort of ‘reverse engineer’. My task was to create a wireframe version of the user flow of a chosen app based on screenshots. My final product should be a simple 5 screens’ interactive prototype built in the tool of my choice (Figma as you surely guessed 😉). The look and feel should be strictly black and white.

I have worked on the app Innocence Paris. Why?

Because they produce beautiful albums and I love their visual identity ✹

Starting with 5 screenshots (steps to buy an album in the app) and then onboard the ‘wireframe mindset’. To be honest, it is not a complicated app, but it was perfect for me to take time in good conditions to think of which text labels are important, which text should be replaced with phony text, also which visual elements need to be there and which don’t (logos, icons
) in order to communicate the idea efficiently, while taking in charge Figma.

Below the result of my work
not exceptional but when I pressed the button â–č to present my prototype I was proud as a watering can and with a smirk up to my ears. There is no small victory !

As promised in the title by Ironhack, the challenge was filled in : Learning by doing.

I would just add : doing and searching !




“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Anais Nin